
Phil Mosley

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  • Triathlon Post-Race Analysis

    Find out how to analyse your triathlon post-race data so you can train and race better in the future. Finishing Time and Splits The first thing we all do after a race is look at our race finishing ...

  • What Nutrition Guidance Do You Offer?

    Nutrition in Training and Racing Your training plan has general guidelines; however, as I am sure you can appreciate, all athletes are different, with unique needs and requirements. Finding what wo...

  • Race Nutrition

    Check the articles below that show you how to get your race-day nutrition right and increase your chances of having a good race.  Race Nutrition for Endurance Events (3+ hours) Race Nutrition Plan ...

  • How Should I Take an End of Season Break?

    ​After a long season of training and racing, it's important to take some downtime so your body can recover. Not only does your body need a break, but your mind does, too. Taking a break may actuall...

  • I Struggle With Kick Sets In Swims

    Kicking Sorry if you are struggling with the kick. We don't include too much of it because triathletes hate it generally, however, the fastest triathlete swimmers are great at kick. So it's good to...

  • How Is My Plan Delivered? TrainingPeaks and MyProCoach

    TrainingPeaks TrainingPeaks is our chosen online platform that hosts all MyProCoach training plans. You will sign up for a free TrainingPeaks account during the checkout process. At its most basic ...

  • Following Your Swim Sets

    Swim Workouts often have many elements, each designed to work on different aspects of your fitness and stroke. If you are new to training this way, they can appear a little daunting. This article w...

  • What If You Can't Do The Open Water Swims?

    Cannot Train in Open Water It's not the end of the world if you can't make the open-water swims, although they are very useful in the lead-up to an event, even if you're an experienced triathlete o...

  • Open Water Swimming; Training and Racing

    Overcoming the Challenge of Swimming in Open Water Swimming in open water can be a scary prospect, especially if you're not the most confident swimmer. If you come from a running or cycling backgr...

  • Triathlon Transition Tips

    Smooth Transitions Save Time Without proper planning, triathlon transitions feel chaotic and lose you valuable time. Being well-organised, prepared and practised can save you important minutes and...