Fitness Tests
Fitness tests are scheduled at the beginning of your training plan and regularly throughout it. Here are four reasons why:
- Establish your training thresholds and zones,
- Train at the correct intensities,
- Track progress,
- Plan race pace strategies.
Swim Test
Critical Swim Speed (CSS) is calculated through the Critical Swim Test, which predicts your pace for a 1500 (yards or metres) time trial.
Enter or update your thresholds and training zones in TrainingPeaks (Swim).
Bike Test
Functional Threshold Power (FTP) and Bike Threshold Heart Rate (bTHR) are determined by the (CP20) Test, which predicts your best average FTP and bTHR for a one-hour steady-state time trial.
Enter or update your thresholds and training zones in TrainingPeaks (Bike).
Run Test
Threshold running pace and heart rate values are determined by the Threshold Running Pace Test, which predicts your current best pace and threshold heart rate for a 60-minute race.
Enter or update your thresholds and training zones in TrainingPeaks (Run).
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