Training Zones
Workouts are structured using five training zones, each indicating the required effort for the session and any specific intervals.
You can track your effort using one or more of the following methods, depending on the discipline:
- Heart Rate (bike and run)
- Power (bike and run)
- Pace (run)
- CSS: Critical Swim Speed (swim)
- RPE: Rate of Perceived Exertion or 'feel' (swim, bike and run)
Check this table to learn more: MyProCoach Training Zones
Personalizing Your Plan
If you don't have a way to measure heart rate, power, or pace, don’t worry – you can still use the training zones. Use Feel/RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) using the zones planned in the workout descriptions.
If you do use heart rate, power, pace, or CSS (Critical Swim Speed), you can input your thresholds in your TrainingPeaks settings. This will personalize your workouts with accurate training zones based on your current fitness level.
Fitness Tests
We provide regular fitness tests to help you set accurate training zones. Full instructions are included in the first week of your plan. These tests are designed to estimate your thresholds, which are key fitness markers and great tools for tracking your progress.
Once you know your thresholds, you can update your plan with the correct training zones (see below). TrainingPeaks uses these thresholds to assess your fitness, help you manage training intensity, and even estimate fatigue levels – it's a smart system!
Enter Your Thresholds and Zones to Update Your Workouts
After completing your fitness tests, update your Thresholds and Training Zones in your TrainingPeaks settings. This ensures your workouts are tailored to your current fitness level.
- Enter and Update Your Thresholds and Training Zones (Swim).
- Enter and Update Your Thresholds and Training Zones (Bike).
- Enter and Update Your Thresholds and Training Zones (Run).
How to Analyze a File in TrainingPeaks
Notification Settings
Once TrainingPeaks knows your thresholds, it can notify you when they change (or update them for you). In Settings, you can toggle these notifications on or off.
We recommend that you don't check the 'Automatically apply new threshold changes'. Instead, opt to be notified of any threshold updates and only make changes to your thresholds and zones if you agree with the recommendations.
Copyright MyProCoach™ Ltd © May 2018. All rights reserved.
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