Exporting Workouts
Workout Builder allows you to export workouts to training devices.
Bike workouts use a % of Functional Threshold Power.
Heart Rate
To export your workout via Heart Rate, you need a TrainingPeaks Premium Account and must follow these steps on your PC:
1. Click on the workout and the blue graph area to view the detailed structure.
2. Change the Units to % Threshold Heart Rate.
3. Update the Zones in 'Workouts Detail Editor' to match the description.
4. Click Save and Close to export your Heart Rate workout.
Note: If the description states Zone 1-2, choose one and work at either end of the exported range. For 'Upper' or 'Lower' Zones, select the Zone (e.g., Zone 2) and work at the top or bottom of the specified range.
Effective Training
You can effectively train using the Workout Description and your training zones defined by heart rate or RPE. However, following structured interval workouts on your watch using heart rate alone is quite challenging. This difficulty arises because it takes several minutes for your heart rate to adjust fully to how intensely you ride. For instance, if your power output increases from 200 to 400 watts in just one second, your heart rate won't accurately show this increase unless you maintain that 400 watts for at least 30 seconds, likely longer.
Heart rate monitoring is excellent for steady-state rides. For shorter interval sessions, it's more effective to rely on RPE (or, ideally, power) and use heart rate as a secondary measure of intensity.
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